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Isan, Thailand

Adopt an Elder

Elders in Thailand receive a monthly government stipend of around $25 USD (age dependent) to pay for accomodation, food, bills, transportation to and from hospitals, and medicine. Too many elders rely on this stipend as their sole income and it is not even close to enough money to cover their needs, much less the needs of the grandchildren many of them are helping raise. As a result there are elders not receiving necessary care, attention, assistance and treatment or medication.

For example, some elders have access to vital medication only once a month instead of weekly as prescribed by a doctor because they cannot afford the transportation costs in and out of their village to the nearest pharmacy. So many elders suffer from osteoporosis and diabetes but are denied access to treatment and medicine because they lack the means of getting to a clinic or hospital to receive a diagnosis and appropriate treatment. There is a 30 baht healthcare scheme in place to provide affordable medical access to the poor, but a Thai national ID is required to access it. It is surprisingly common for Thais in poverty to lack this proof of citizenship, especially among the homeless and rural elder populations.

International donors have been helping Mundo Exchange provide for these senior members. Everyone deserves the right to healthy aging, and in the end of life have a right to be treated with dignity and receive compassionate care.  You can join us in making an immediate difference in someone’s life!

By signing up for monthly donation of as little as $5, you are joining a team that makes sure elders receive care packages and get checked in on each month. Part of our adopt an elder program is ensuring elders have their physical needs met (such as the care packages) but also their mental and emotional needs met. So many elders feel lonely, depressed, and forgotten. By connecting with local volunteers we are not only checking in on these elders but also connecting them with someone nearby in the community who can continue to monitor them and visit.

nong adopt an elder


Nong, born and raised in Thailand, does not have a national ID card. Without it she is not eligible for government assistance such as medical insurance and old age stipend despite living in poverty. She is neighbors with Yaai and a recently “adopted” elder in our program.




Sompan has been relocated from her home and now lives in a very small shack build of salvaged materials. She is 72 years old and creates handmade bamboo woven containers and other things to try and sell to her local community to supplement her government aid income of $29 USD a month to survive.

a Thai elder woman sits with a bag of food in front of her and sniffing an inhaler


Mun is in her mid 80s and without access to government assistance programs due to a lack of ID. She has a multitude of health problems and lives with her daughter and 10 year old grandson, who she helps take care of while mom is at work. We bring her necessary supplies and food during check-ins.



Thun, born in Laos, is now 94 years old. She has spent her life working  in the rice fields and moved to Thailand when she was young after marrying a Thai soldier.  Now she lives alone and is almost completely blind. She has government stipend of only about $27 USD a month to try and survive on. 


Nang Wanni portrait


Nang, despite her limited income, is always willing to help those in need! She has given Mundo the names of a few elders in need of companionship, food, and clothing. She is now unable to work and in need of our assistance. She is full of true laughter and kindness, and without being able to work cannot survive on the government monthly stipend alone. She has done so much to help others, now she is in need of help. 


Want your donation to go to whichever elder is most in need monthly? We can help you! 

Thank you!

Once you commit to our elder care team, we will send you a picture and short bio of an elder you have “adopted” as a reminder of your gracious heart to help improve the lives of elders in poverty.


-Mundo Exchange-