Earlier this year we did a donation matching fundraiser with doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation to raise funds for a community greenhouse in Guatemala. With the help of our donors we managed to raise nearly $10,000 dollars together, and doTERRA matched it for a total of almost $20,000!
Those funds enabled one of our local partner organizations, ACEFOMI, to not only build a greenhouse but to also attend a weeklong seminar focused on how to succesfully run a greenhouse through effective seed propegation. Not only are these women able to start up a greenhouse, they are also armed with the knowledge of how to best succeed!
Why build a greenhouse in the first place? You would imagine in the Guatemalan climate there would be an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables growing!
Actually, the Guatemalan government prohibits importation of seeds and seedlings which makes availability for growing your own very limited. So community development projects centered around agriculture and seed saving are critical to helping impoverished communities like those in Chajul.
The women of ACEFOMI planted seeds in the new greenhouse alongside CEMIK students and families. CEMIK is a school for the poorest kids in the community; their families cannot afford the fees of public school. Involving these kids and their parents in learning and growing vegetables together in the greenhouse is so great for everyone! All members of the community will not only be able to contribute and benefit from this garden, but they will feel included and part of a team as well.
We are so pleased to get reports and pictures back of the first seedlings shooting up from the ground already. What a success for this community! There are still food shortages in the country, and especially this region. Hopefully the garden will continue to be a success and soon be able to provide fresh food for the people of Chajul who desperately need it.