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Fresh off the vine

Our greenhouse project with ACEFOMI is going great! The women of this local association have been working hard to make this project a success. They built a greenhouse, attended seminars, took classes, and collaborated with various groups to learn how to best create a flourishing garden. 

As a result, their greenhouse is happy and yielding produce! Growing tomatoes is no easy feat, and they just reaped the rewards of their labour. Tomatoes are flourishing and they are excited to continue experimenting and growing. Thanks to fundraiser powerhouse Janet and the Rotary Club, Seeds International has send another 300 packets of vegetable seeds to Guatemala so the women of ACEFOMI can continue to feed their community. 


greenhouse tomatoes on the vine

“We didn’t know very much about growing tomatoes when we started, or did we know if we could actually be successful at this, but we all worked together and in the end it has been a success.  We are ready to plant the new crop!”  

Mundo Exchange is proud to support this local association in Chajul and we are grateful for the continued global collaboration. Some of the fresh produce from the greenhouse will help feed the kids of CEMIK, a school for kids in poverty whose only full meal a day is often lunch at school. There will also be some vegetables that are grown by members of the community and sold so they can earn some money.