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Mundo’s Co-Director Joan was able to travel to Guatemala earlier this month to visit with friends and see the new and completed CEMIK school and Community Center in Chajul. We would like to share a few photos she was able to take during her time there…

One of the teachers sits with her young  students in the new classroom. These girls are given an education and are also trained in how to weave, a valuable and marketable skill to have. Weaving is also a way to teach about and maintain their Maya-Ixil cultural heritage.

During this viit Joan brought Cole and his wife Mary. Everyone had a great time and thie kids loved them! It was a good visit for all to connect and catch up, and we are pleased with the final outcome! This would not have been possible without the funds and support from all of our donors.

We are so grateful and so glad that the school is completed, especially now that monsoon season is rolling in. We still need to help with a water container and a pump so that the bathrooms can have running water. The school is also lacking desks and erasing chalk boards. Little by little we are getting closer to completion. THANK YOU to everyone who has helped us along in this journey! With your continued support we will be able to add running water and school supplies.