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As mentioned in a previous post, Mundo Exchange has partnered with dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation to raise money for a multipurpose Center for a women’s cooperative called ACEFOMI in Chajul, Guatemala.

dōTERRA agreed to match out donations by up to $10,000 for a total of up to $20,000USD. Our goal was to raise $10,000. I am beyond please to report hat $20,000 is currently en route to Guatemala to begin construction. We did it! 🙂

A huge thank you to everyone who donated to this cause, it truly would not have been possible without your help. Together we have helped to create a safe space for women and children as well as a place for education for all ages and all budgets (especially those with no budgets). This Center is a huge step forward for the women of ACEFOMI who have worked tirelessly for a better tomorrow for future generations. We will continue to update you as development continues, and thank you again, you have greatly impacted this community in Chajul.

teacher watches as kids get into a schoolbus