by Kayla Hughes | Feb 24, 2023 | Environment, Environmental, From the Field, Thailand, Uncategorized, Volunteer
The following was written by Evan while he was interning with us in 2010 after working with our local partners to create an eco-friendly mud brick guest house in Isaan, Thailand. During my stay interning with Mundo Exchange in Nong Khai, Thailand, I spent close to...
by Mundo Exchange | Feb 28, 2020 | Environment, Environmental, From the Field, Guatemala, Thailand, Uncategorized
Fun collaboration across the globe! Mundo Exchange and ACEFOMI are just embarking on the construction of a green house in Chajul, Guatemala with the help of a local agrarian. One of our interests is learning about how to make organic compost with worms and manure. A...
by Kayla Hughes | Jul 12, 2018 | From the Field, Thailand, Volunteer
When you come to volunteer with us here in Buengkan Province you will most likely end up at a homestay. If you are an outdoorsy nature lover, you just might find yourself lucky enough to be placed at Bunloed’s Homestay in Kham Pia! Bunloed and Angelina’s is a...