by Kayla Hughes | Jan 16, 2025 | Culture and Community, Education, Guatemala, Uncategorized
We’ve talked a lot about CEMIK, a bit about ACEFOMI, and celebrating the completion of a community Center in Chajul. If you haven’t been with us through the whole journey (or if you just need a refresher), you might be aware that we are supporting women...
by Kayla Hughes | Mar 19, 2021 | Education, Guatemala, Uncategorized
Education should be accessible to all people regarless of their socio-econimic class or age. Thats why we have been supporting CEMIK, a school created for kids coming from families who are too poor to afford public school inscription fees. We have also been supporting...
by Kayla Hughes | Jan 26, 2021 | Environment, Environmental, From the Field, Guatemala, Uncategorized
Fresh off the vine Our greenhouse project with ACEFOMI is going great! The women of this local association have been working hard to make this project a success. They built a greenhouse, attended seminars, took classes, and collaborated with various groups to learn...
by Kayla Hughes | Aug 13, 2018 | Culture and Community, Education, From the Field, Guatemala, News and Updates, Uncategorized
Our Guatemala partners and how we are all connected. ACEFOMI. CEMIK. In light of our recent campaign you might have found yourself wondering, “What do these even mean?” For those of you not entirely familiar with Mundo Exchange’s work in Guatemala,...
by Kayla Hughes | Aug 5, 2018 | Culture and Community, Education, Guatemala, News and Updates, Uncategorized
As mentioned in a previous post, Mundo Exchange has partnered with dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation to raise money for a multipurpose Center for a women’s cooperative called ACEFOMI in Chajul, Guatemala. dōTERRA agreed to match out donations by up to $10,000 for...