by Kayla Hughes | Dec 15, 2020 | Education, Guatemala, Uncategorized
Our student scholarship program in Guatemala has provided kids and young adults an otherwise unavailable opportunity to complete their studies. Many of these past students have returned home to pursue their dream of better serving their communities. A...
by Kayla Hughes | Mar 30, 2020 | Adventures, From the Field, Guatemala, News and Updates, Uncategorized
Earlier in the year Mundo Director Joan planned to go to Guatemala and oversee the construction of the greenhouse we recently raised the funds for. However, as concerns about covid-19 continued to grow she delayed her trip….and we’re glad she did!...
by Kayla Hughes | Mar 18, 2020 | Education, From the Field, News and Updates, Thailand, Uncategorized, Volunteer
Earlier this month we went to watch twelve students graduate from primary school. While some may think that graduating from sixth grade is no big milestone, it certainly is for these kids! Kamplafa is a small, village school and most students come from families living...
by Kayla Hughes | Dec 10, 2018 | Culture and Community, Education, From the Field, Guatemala, Spotlights, Uncategorized
Mateo Caba says his hometown of Chajul does not have a single attorney, which allows outside interests to trample people’s rights. He cites the example of a hydroelectric project that is under construction not far from the town. Although Chajul desperately needs an...
by Kayla Hughes | Aug 14, 2018 | Education, News and Updates, Thailand, Uncategorized
Mundo Exchange and Laekplian Lokgatat have been sending volunteers to Kamplaphanatawee School for about 10 years now. We personally know the the director, Kittichai, and we have seen him turn down director positions at larger schools with higher salaries because of...